Photo Credits: Abby Clare

LATEWAVES was formed on the beach in their hometown of Asbury Park, NJ, during  the summer of 2016 when sister and brother-in-law Shawna Grabowski (Drums) & Mike  Pellegrino (Guitar/Vocals) woke up from a nap in the sand. The two had gotten there at 6 am  because Mike was robbed the night prior and ended up waiting in the police station until  morning to get his $30 back. At that very moment, they decided it was time to honor their long lasted pact of starting a band together. Since Shawna had just finished college and had zero  plans, she moved in on the couch, and the two would write in a storage unit turned rehearsal  space two towns over almost every afternoon before heading to their evening restaurant shifts.  Once they realized something decent was happening, they accosted another Asbury Park  resident and friend, Howie Cohen, to join in on Bass. They spent the remainder of the year  writing what would become the “Partied Out” EP. described their debut as; “Exciting,  riff-heavy and hook-laden jams that make you look up from your beer at the bar and hope the  band says its name in between songs so you cyber-stalk them later.” 

They played their first live show in 2017 and quickly won over the Asbury Park music  scene, becoming a fixture at all the venues, and decided to start touring in 2018. The group hit  the south, midwest, northeast, and wherever they could get a basement, stage, or bar to set up  and play at. They recorded “The Broken Bird Singles Collection,” which earned consistent spots  on Spotify’s “New Punk Tracks” and “Punk Unleashed” Playlists, and worked their way into  sharing the stage with bands like The Used, lovelytheband, Can’t Swim, The Movielife, and  Trophy Scars. 

In 2019 the band decided that in order to keep doing what they love, they had to have something for people to latch onto. They contacted producer Vinnie Caruana (The Movielife, I Am the Avalanche) and producer/engineer Brett Romnes (The Movielife, I Am the Avalanche - who has produced bands including but not limited to; Free Throw, Hot Mulligan, Somos, Heart Attack Man) and booked dates to start recording their first full length at The Barber Shop Studios. In three, spaced out (due to shows and touring) week-long sessions, LATEWAVES completed their LP; “Hell to Pay.” “The record is full of self-reflection; the lyrics address issues like anxiety, depression, validation, and self-deprecation. But, the purpose behind that was to make whoever hears it feel like they’re not alone, so it’s kind of like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel,” says Pellegrino on the ruminative aspect of the record. “Hell to Pay” is a loud, guitar-driven, anthemic, and non-stop record full of unforgettable sing-a-long hooks that lodge themselves in your brain indefinitely.

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Open Your Ears Records